We love our oils. We use them to uplift, to ground, to center and to focus. We use them for body, for spirit, for mind, for emotions.
We love beads. We love the touch, the feel, and the energy that each one of the stones provide.
We love to create. Getting together with friends to create beautiful bracelets brings us much joy and laughter.
Create your own beautiful diffuser bracelet and pair it with your favorite Young Living Essential Oil to provide an all day aromatherapy experience. Host a Diffuser Bracelet Workshop and introduce people to the amazing world of essential oils.
What does a workshop look like? Watch the video below!

About Us
It all started at the Young Living Essential Oil Grand Convention. Paula found beautiful diffuser lava bead bracelets at the vendor show. She bought five. People would comment on how much they loved her bracelet and she would take it off and give it to them. Usually it was someone who was hurting and needed love. The bracelet paired with an oil to uplift seemed a small thing to do to make their life a bit better.
After several reordered shipments of bracelets, we decided that they could not be that hard to make. After watching a few YouTube videos, we ordered supplies and started creating. Creating by yourself is never as fun as creating with others, so we ordered beads and had a party!
And then we ordered more beads, had more parties, shared ideas about essential oils, created beautiful bracelets, laughed a ton and our friends did the same.
I would like to introduce you to our website, Oils and Beads. Our hope is that you are inspired to create and to explore our loved Young Living Essential Oils as a way to support your amazing self!
Julie & Paula